Dishwasher Detergent | Green Cleaning


"Making your own dishwasher detergent is easy. Plus, there’s no hidden additives or toxic chemicals in these four simple ingredients."

- Kirsten Dunn

seattle family

Dunn DIY is excited to partner with Rebekah to bring you a five part series on how to make your own green cleaning essentials. Rebekah is living her dream as a stay-at-home mom and wife. Her blog, Feather Collection, is about the beauty of homemaking, including natural living, eating whole food, and the joys of raising a family. She first began making her own green cleaning products as a way to keep her family healthy and safe. Now, she’s excited to share what she’s learned with you! For more green cleaning ideas check out Dunn DIY's Cleaning category.

materials for diy dishwasher detergent

Step 1

Start with one cup of borax and one cup of washing soda. These two natural cleaning powerhouses are sure to get the job done.

borax and washing soda
borax and washing soda for detergent

Step 2

Add a half cup of coarse salt. For an all-natural detergent, be sure to choose a salt with no extra additives. The abrasive nature of coarse salt removes hard-to-get food from your dishes.

coarse salt for natural detergent

Step 3

Mix these ingredients together in a bowl and store in a glass container. Use one tablespoon in your dishwasher detergent compartment and one in the pre-wash area.

mix ingredients for dishwasher detergent
pouring homemade dishwasher detergent
diy dishwasher detergent

Step 4

The borax, washing soda, and salt are sure to remove food and clean your dishes, but this all-natural dishwasher detergent wouldn’t be complete without citric acid.

Citric acid removes mineral deposits, scale build-up, and hard water stains. Citric acid crystals, sometimes called sour salt, can be found in the canning or spice section in stores or online.

Citric acid is best kept in its own container, as it can cause the mixture to clump. Use ½ teaspoon per load in the detergent compartment.

Dunn DIY Green Dishwasher Detergent Seattle WA 9